
Six rules for a patient with arterial hypertension

  1. Follow the principles of good nutrition.

It is recommended to limit the consumption of table salt to 5 g (a teaspoon without top) and an increase the consumption of potassium salts to 5-6 g (raisins, dried apricots, carrots, parsley, dill, citrus fruits, soybeans, beans). If you accustom, sitting down to the table, to salt food without trying it, then get rid of this habit.

  1. Stop smoking if you still smoke and avoid being in a smoky room.

Nicotine contained in cigarette smoke excites and accelerates heart rate.  If you smoke, the first step to quitting should be the desire to quit the habit. Analyze the reasons for your smoking, do you really need to smoke. Keep a diary, registering every smoked cigarette for at least several days and assessing its need for you, find a substitute for smoking as a pastime, avoid companies of smokers. If you find it difficult to quit smoking on your own, see your doctor.

  1. Normalize the regime of the day and rest.

Sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, adjust the physiological circadian rhythm – the alternation of waking hours (day), and sleep (night). To improve falling asleep, you can use simple means – a calm walk in the fresh air, non-overeating in the evening, refusal of television programs, an auto-training session, and acupressure.

  1. Do not forget about folk medicine.

You can add the following remedies to the main treatment: juice of fruits and flowers of hawthorn, lingonberries, baked “in uniform” potatoes, onions, garlic, lettuce, red beets, black currants, valerian medicinal, St. John’s wort, wild strawberries.

  1. Learn to deal with stressful situations.

Often psycho-emotional stress also negatively affects the cardiovascular system, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure.  Tips for overcoming stress:

  • Learn to look at life in a new way. You no longer have to let other people determine whether you are happy.
  • Be optimistic. As soon as you catch yourself thinking bad things, start thinking about something good.
  • Exercise regularly. Even 20 minutes of aerobic exercise can greatly reduce stress.
  • Strive for a reasonable organization. Set yourself short-term, intermediate and long-term goals. By reviewing of attitudes, you can understand that it is much better to do less, but better than a lot, but bad.
  • Learn to say “No”. Don’t overload yourself when you don’t need to.
  • Learn to enjoy life. We need to rejoice every day of our life, enjoy the work and the thoughts of what it will give you in the future; happiness is a by-product of our activity, not a goal.
  • Do not focus on yourself; help the one who needs your help.
  • Get enough sleep according to your need for sleep.
  • Don’t abuse alcohol
  1. Strictly follow all doctors’ advice.

If a doctor prescribes medication (such as Accupril, Adalat or Aldactone), it is very important that you follow his recommendations strictly.

In all cases of increased blood pressure, it is very important to follow the tips listed above for improving habits, normalizing nutrition, physical activity, and developing resistance to stressful situations.