Что такое псориаз кожи: симптомы и лечение псориаза

Problem skin: 5 signals for help

According to statistics, every second girl dreams of perfect face skin. Problems with external layer of the skin – epidermis, become the cause of low self-esteem and, as a result, poorly groomed appearance. However, the skin is a sufficiently thought-out mechanism by nature, which can signal about its problems. Signals are usually associated with a health problem that a person usually does not see with the naked eye. If at least several of the symptoms listed in the article appear, it is not worth delaying complex treatment.

  1. Eczema is the first disease that it is recommended to pay the most attention to. The most obvious signs of the disease are local redness of the skin of the face and body, as well as unpleasant itching. Scratching the skin is not recommended, otherwise the problem can be severely exacerbated.
  2. In modern society, dark circles around the eyes do not surprise anyone. Rather, people are surprised at their absence, which means that a person gets enough sleep and leads a more or less correct lifestyle. If dark circles around the eyes do not go away even after a good sleep, you should consult an allergist and ENT specialist, as well as a dermatologist. It is these doctors who will help to comprehensively establish the causes of the problem and correctly approach the issue of treatment.
  3. Freckles are the dream of many girls. They create a cute and innocent look at any age. However, these rashes can be not only genetic characteristics, but also a signal of the body about the presence of health problems. It is especially worth paying attention to freckles, which at a certain time of the year turn brown.
  4. Cuperosis is another common skin problem in the younger generation. In simple words, with such a problem capillaries increase in the area of ​​the cheeks, on the legs and in the T-zone. In addition to the younger generation, this phenomenon is observed in pregnant women, but eventually passes. In the absence of pregnancy, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist. Today, the removal of “spider vessels” is a simple and painless procedure, which has practically no contraindications, and most importantly, aesthetic effect is achieved quickly.
  5. If a girl has a oily or combined type of facial skin, then she knows the problem with enlarged pores firsthand. It was previously believed that such a problem is a consequence of adolescence, but over time, scientists have refuted this myth. The reasons, as a rule, lie in poor nutrition and illiterate facial skin care. Also, the cause may be organ pathology or the intake of drugs that are undesirable for a particular organism and become harmful.

Using knowledge of these symptoms, the development of dangerous diseases can be prevented in time using signals from the skin of the face and body.