
Hypothyroidism is a clinical syndrome that develops owing to prolonged, persistent thyroid hormones deficiency in the body or development of resistance to the hormones at the tissue level.

There are distinguishing primary secondary hypothyroidism.

Primary hypothyroidism develops when the thyroid gland is affected, accompanied by an increase in thyroid stimulating hormone – TSH.

Secondary hypothyroidism occurs when develops the lesion of a special part of the brain – the hypothalamic-pituitary system. It is appeared by deficient with thyroid stimulating hormone and subsequent reduction of thyroid function.

The predominant age of hypothyroidism is over 40 years. The predominant sex is women.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

The main features of hypothyroidism are:

  • weakness, drowsiness, fatigue
  • slow speech and thinking
  • a constant feeling of cold as a result of the slowdown in metabolism
  • edema of the extremities caused by an accumulation of water in tissues
  • changes in voice and hearing impairment due to edema of the larynx, tongue and middle ear in severe cases
  • weight gain, which reflects a decrease in the rate of exchange, but a significant increase does not occur, because appetite is reduced
  • the propensity to lower blood pressure
  • nausea, flatulence, constipation
  • hair loss, dryness, and brittleness
  • menstrual disorder in women.

The symptoms of latent hypothyroidism have many “masks”.

Deficiency of thyroid hormones, mainly in women, leads to depressed mood, even to severe depression.

With hypothyroidism cognitive function decreases; memory and attention deteriorate, intellect (explicitly or implicitly) decreases.

With unrecognized and untreated hypothyroidism syndrome develops intracranial hypertension. Headaches appear frequently, and then become constant.

Subclinical hypothyroidism often occurs under the mask of the cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of this type of hypothyroidism are the following:

  • Anxiety sensation, burning feelings
  • muscular pain in the hands,
  • Weakness in the hands.

There are very common cardiac “masks” of hypothyroidism:

  • increased cholesterol in the blood,
  • increased blood pressure.

In women, concealed hypothyroidism may manifest as a violation of the menstrual function or the mastopathy.

A significant role in the development of hypothyroidism plays a secondary immunodeficiency, which can develop even with a slight decrease in the function of the thyroid gland.

The symptom of latent hypothyroidism may be anemia because hormones of the thyroid gland stimulate hematopoiesis.

Treatment for hypothyroidism

Treatment is carried out to normalize the thyroid stimulating hormone.

The increase is carried out not earlier than in 2 months when the body adapts to the initial dose of the drugs (Thyronorm. Thyro3). To evaluate the adequacy of the substitution therapy, periodic monitoring of the level of TSH in the blood is required.

The need for an organism in hormones of the thyroid gland in the summer is often reduced, which also needs to be taken into account.

Experience has shown that in men the average need for L-thyroxin is slightly higher than that of women.

It is important to remember that the children need higher doses of the drug, than adults, and in older patients, by contrast, doses are much lower.

It is important to teach patients with hypothyroidism self-control: to monitor the state of health, pulse, arterial pressure, body weight, tolerability of thyroxine, keep a diary of observations. This will help to avoid the complications of hypothyroidism and the side effects of the used hormones. At an early start of treatment, the prognosis is favorable.