
5 reasons to do yoga

Everyone knows that yoga is very useful for human health and is very popular. It seems that every other person practice yoga. Yoga clothes and equipment are produced by large companies, the range of books and videos on how to practice yoga is increasing every day. New yoga studios are opening more and more, yoga classes are held in fitness centers, workplaces and parks. Doctors and physical therapists, celebrities and your acquaintances – all these people can attest to the benefits of yoga as a universal remedy that can help you get rid of many diseases, increase your vitality, make your body fitter and more beautiful, and calm your mind. What is this ancient discipline and how can it be useful to us?

Yoga is a practical philosophy, not a religion, and it does not require commitment to any particular belief system. The word “yoga” translated from Sanskrit means unity, connection, integrity. Yoga includes many ancient traditions of India and, having become popular in Europe and the USA, it is a great way to improve the psychophysical health of modern people. Yoga is a traditional Indian philosophy that assumes the unity of body and spirit, which is necessary for good health. The unity and inseparability of the body and soul leads to a strengthening of the connection with the subconscious.

“Yoga is a practical philosophy. Step by step, it helps to be efficient, energetic and at the same time develop spiritually. Yoga creates a balance between selfish happiness and the happiness that one spreads around oneself.” – BKS Iyengar.

Let’s consider 5 main benefits of yoga for health

Analgesic effect

Yoga helps to get rid of chronic pain in the lower back, which appears with age even in those who lead an active and healthy lifestyle.


Yoga helps to become calm, balanced, positive, joyful and get rid of stress. Also, yoga can be a component in the treatment of true depression. However, it is worth noting that the main treatment in this case is antidepressants, such as Aurorix or Brintellix.

IQ and mental abilities

Yoga improves mental abilities. A two-year experiment showed that a group of students at an American university who practiced meditation had a significant increase in IQ compared to another group of students from the same course.

Sex and relationships

Yoga in general and bandhi, in particular, improve blood supply to the gonads in men and women and stimulate the functioning of the pelvic organs, which in turn has a positive effect on the relationship between the sexes.


Regular practice of yoga helps fight against heart diseases, has a beneficial effect on immunity and the state of connective tissue (bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons are formed from it), prevents the development of osteoporosis, and gives a feeling of vigor and energy.

In order to get the positive effects listed above, you need to practice yoga regularly, at least 20 minutes a day. Start practicing yoga today!