walking for weight loss

Walking for weight loss: important rules

It very often happens that standing in front of the mirror and looking at himself, a person decides: “it’s time to lose weight!” But how? On the Internet, you can find many different diets, advice on healthy eating, descriptions of fashionable and traditional types of fitness. It is very difficult for an untrained person to understand all this, and often it is impossible without a specialist. And a person really wants to lose weight. In this case, you can just start walking.

Walking, as a way to lose weight, is suitable for all age groups, has practically no contraindications in terms of health, costs nothing (you can walk in ordinary clothes and shoes) and has many more advantages. Is everything so simple?

Losing weight with the help of walking is really very easy, all bicycles and simulators were invented not so long ago, and the laws of physics and chemistry in the body have not changed since the day man was created. However, given the realities of modern and pampered people, there are a few rules that must be followed.

  1. At first you need to walk only 30 minutes a day.

If there is a lot of excess weight, and you have not done any physical activity other than going to the store after work, then you should not walk for a very long time. Walk to work or vice versa, after a working day don’t rush to get on the bus, but take a walk, stretch your muscles, breathe in the fresh air. The benefits of even such a short walk will be noticeable. Gradually, walking to lose weight will become a habit, the muscles of the legs and back will strengthen, and the heart will work more rhythmically. The duration of walks will need to be increased to 1 hour, and over time you will need to walk faster (up to 6-7 km/h). But if the speed and duration of the walk are not increased immediately, but little by little, then the body will not feel stress and will feel comfortable.

  1. You should walk on an empty stomach.

Before walking, you should not eat food for at least two hours, then the body will use energy for movement not from food, but from its own fat reserves. You should not eat immediately after a walk either. Drink a glass of warm water first, and after 20-25 minutes you can eat. Thanks to water, hunger is not so strong, and you will eat less.

  1. During the walk, think about pleasant things.

Psychologists have proven that the motivation to lose weight in most women increases not when they scold themselves, but on the contrary. Weight loss results improve when people are praised. Moreover, it does not matter whether someone else is giving a compliment or a person is praising himself. Therefore, dream about something pleasant, imagine yourself in a beautiful dress or swimsuit, congratulate yourself even with small victories. And don’t scold if you ate too much candy or cake. Just don’t do that anymore.

To speed up weight loss and not lose motivation, take drugs that help decrease weight by preventing the absorption of dietary fat into the body, for example, Orligal or Vyfat. These are safe and effective drugs.