
Products that do not make you thin

Whole grains

Bread and buttery pastries are loved by many overweight people. And it is often the most difficult to eat less bread, pasta and other flour products. Because of this, people start looking for a useful alternative. Products with whole grains are advertised everywhere as the healthiest food.

Whole grains are really useful, but they do not help you lose weight, this is another and very profitable invention of talented marketers. After all, healthy food is food that contains useful nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, but this does not mean that it contributes to weight loss. Any flour products and cereals quickly and several times increase blood sugar. In order to lose weight, eat flour products and sweets less often. And it is better to consume these products in the morning or at lunch, but not before going to bed.

If you lose weight, you can eat not only bread, but also sweets, but not too much. And never eat sweets as a snack. Eat a piece of cake as a dessert after breakfast.

Green coffee

Fortunately, the popularity of this drink is decreasing day by day. But there are still people who believe that this drink will help them lose weight quickly.

This product has almost no scientifically proven benefits. But it has a lot of disadvantages:

  • a large number of fakes;
  • low quality and high cost;
  • unpleasant taste.

Rice porridge

It is another food that is very often recommended for a healthy diet. It is the main component of many therapeutic diets. Many believe that rice has the ability to cleanse the body of toxins, salts and other harmful substances, and that this cereal has low calorie content. But all these useful properties are inherent only to unpolished varieties of rice. And white rice does not have any of these useful properties.

Polished (white) rice becomes useless and acquires harmful properties. White rice only fills your body with extra calories and has a high glycemic index.

The most delicious solution will be a mixture of brown, black and white rice. All varieties must be added to porridge in equal proportions.


This fruit is not recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach, even in the form of juice. The acids contained in it destroy the walls of the stomach. The high content of vitamin C will have a beneficial effect on your immune system and skin. But it is unlikely that you will lose weight thanks to grapefruit.


It is a very popular and fashionable product. Indeed, ginger tea is very good at getting rid of sweet cravings. But its ability to speed up metabolism and promote weight loss has not been scientifically proven.

Also, at the end of the article, we will provide some effective tips for losing weight. Do not starve, do not try to eat only fashionable and popular foods. Remember the following rules:

First. Each meal should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber.

Second. Eat less high-calorie foods and more vegetables and fruits.

Third. Do not be afraid to take safe drugs for weight loss, for example, Orligal or Vyfat.