
Prevention of coronavirus infection for people over 60

A new coronavirus infection is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one if they come into close contact (for example, person sneezes or coughs next to you or when droplets of mucus from the patient’s mouth and nose fall on the surface that you touch). People over 60 are at particular risk. Due to the load on the immune system in the elderly, complications are possible, including such dangerous as viral pneumonia. To protect you, it is recommended adhering to the following rules.

  1. Try to visit public places less often.

Use public transport as little as possible, especially during rush hours. Reduce the time spent visiting shopping centers, shops, banks. Ask you loved ones or social workers to help pay for utilities, buy products.

  1. Communication with people who have recently arrived from another country.

If any of your acquaintances feel bad when they return from another country, be sure to tell them to see a specialist. Your care will help keep you and your family healthy.

  1. Use wet wipes for disinfection.

Use them to wipe bags, phones, books and other items that have been with you in public places and on public transport.

  1. If you get sick or feel unwell (not only due to cold symptoms, but also due to other health problems, such as high blood pressure) do not go to the clinic, but call the doctor at home.

  2. Feeling the signs of a cold.

First, think about whether there are people among your loved ones who have recently had a cold or are sick now. Contact a doctor, he will prescribe an analysis for coronavirus infection and tell you what to do next. The main thing is to ask for help in time to protect your loved ones.

  1. Carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations for the treatment of your chronic diseases.

  2. Do not eat food from shared food containers or other utensils if other peoples have touched the food.

  3. Avoid handshakes and kisses until the epidemiological situation stabilizes.

  4. Wear masks.

Always wear a mask in public places to protect yourself. Masks can be of different designs. They can be one-time use or can reusable. In order for the mask really become protection, you must follow the following rules.

To protect yourself from infection, it is extremely important to wear it correctly:

  • the usual medical mask should be changed every 2 hours, it should be carefully fixed, tightly covering the mouth and nose;
  • try not to touch the surface of the mask when removing it. If you touched it, wash your hands thoroughly with soap or alcohol;
  • a wet mask should change to a new, dry one;
  • do not reuse a disposable mask;
  • used disposable mask should be discarded immediately.

A mask is appropriate if you are in a crowded places, on public transport, and when caring for a sick person. But it is undesirable to wear a mask outdoors. It is better to breathe fresh air outside and not wear a mask.

At the same time, doctors remind that this single measure alone does not provide complete protection against diseases. In addition to wearing a mask, you should follow other preventive measures.

You can read more about COVID-19 here.