
How to improve eye health?

Eyes are a very important human organ. A person receives about 80% of information through the eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to their health – do exercises for the eyes, eat healthy food, and if any symptoms appear, consult a doctor without wasting time.

Eye exercises

The first exercise. Relax and close your eyes, place your palms on your closed eyes. Do not open your eyes for at least 2 minutes. Ideally, you should “see” only darkness at this time, but in reality it is very difficult to create such conditions, there are a lot of artificial light sources around modern man. An ordinary modern person closes his eyes and notices many reflections, light and colored spots. But the fewer there are, the better. This exercise helps the eyes to relax and get some rest.

The second exercise is one of the most effective. It trains the eye muscles and prevents the development of myopia. Choose a small object in the room (or you can draw a dot with a felt-tip pen on the window), look at it carefully for a few seconds, and then look into the distance, relaxedly watching what is happening outside. It is useful to repeat this exercise several times until you get bored.

The third exercise may seem strange. When there are unpleasant sensations in the eyes, you need to move your neck. Due to long-term sitting at the computer, the blood supply to the brain and eyes deteriorates. This is why the eyes get tired faster. That is why, if a person has a sedentary job, it is very important for him to periodically get up, walk for at least a couple of minutes and move his neck. An ordinary warm-up will be enough – bending the neck and body, jumping, any exercise to stretch the body and improve blood supply.

Food products good for vision

There is an opinion that there is no better product for the eyes than blueberries. And it’s true. This forest berry perfectly improves visual acuity. What is especially good about it is that by eating blueberry jam, you can improve your vision even in winter, because blueberries do not lose their properties even in this form. Also, you can take medicines that contain the extract of these useful berries, for example, Bilberry with Lutein or Bilberry-MIC.

Carrots are another food that improves eye health. It helps to see well in the dark and in poor lighting conditions. It is tastier to eat it in a salad or with oil; besides, it is absorbed much better this way.

Nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews) help prevent the development of cataracts, and also strengthen the health of the retina. Moreover, nuts are rich in vitamin B2 and fatty acids, which is very useful for the eyes.

Vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, rose hips and currants, is no less useful for the eyes.

But there are also products that have a negative effect on vision, for example, excessive consumption of coffee and energy drinks. Coffee increases eye pressure, so drinking it in large quantities can cause glaucoma. You should not drink more than three cups a day.