
Foot care

Everyone wants to look beautiful and attractive at any age and at any time of the year. But cracked heels and rough skin will not look attractive in any way, so if you regularly face such a problem, you need to figure out how to get rid of it.

How to get rid of rough skin, cracked heels and other foot problems

To remove dead skin from the heels, soak the feet in warm water for about an hour to soften the dead skin. Then wet the pumice stone or foot file with warm water and gently rub the pumice stone or foot file over the dead skin or callus. After that, rinse the dead skin off the feet and pat the feet dry with a clean towel. After the procedure, feet should be lubricated with cream or olive oil.

If you are faced with such a problem as cracked heels, special foot balms will help you get rid of it. It is better that the balm is natural (for example, coconut). Apply the product to the skin, rub it and put on warm socks. After that, go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket. By doing such procedures regularly, you can significantly improve the health of your feet.

You can get rid of corns that make your feet unattractive with the help of soda solutions. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of soda to 1 liter of soap solution and soak the feet in this solution for about half an hour.

Another problem you may encounter is excessive sweating of the feet. This rather unpleasant phenomenon can provoke bacterial and fungal skin infections. To get rid of excessive sweating, you can soak your feet in a decoction of oak bark, chamomile or strong tea. You can also use special lotions to get rid of this problem.

But if you have excessive sweating of the feet for a long time, then it is almost impossible to cope with such a problem with the help of cosmetics and alternative medicine. Therefore, in this case, do not delay and consult a doctor, because the disease called hyperhidrosis of the feet must be treated with medication.

And if you develop fungal skin infections such as ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot, or yeast infections, you should use an antifungal cream, such as Nizoral Cream or Mycospor. The medications slow or stop the reproduction of fungus cells on the skin making it easier for the immune system to control or destroy the infection.

Daily foot care procedures

It is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene every day – wash your feet with soap, alternating between warm and cold water. If your legs get tired during the day, such a contrasting shower will relieve them of fatigue.

Regularly use a foot scrub, apply the scrub directly to your foot and rub gently with your palm. Also use a special foot cream designed specifically for this part of the body.

You can avoid the appearance of corns and corns if you wear comfortable and high-quality shoes, keep your feet clean and treat all diseases in a timely manner. This is especially important for people with diabetes.

Do not be lazy to take care of the skin of your feet, because well-groomed feet are beautiful and healthy feet.