
Choosing a deodorant without harming the body

Sweating is a natural process for humans, and sweat has no smell. However, during the day, bacteria is joining to it, the consequence of such union is an unpleasant “aroma”. Producers of cosmetics and perfumes offer us a solution to the problem of sweating in the form of deodorants and antiperspirants. There is one significant difference between them: the first one can only block the smell, the second’s is aimed at fighting with sweating. Let’s consider the question of the advantages and harms of using these tools.

Possible harmful components:

  • in the form of a spray, they may contain butane, propane and isobutane, which can cause headaches and nausea, and if you are a breastfeeding mother, such substances can accumulate in breast milk.
  • aluminum is a component that blocks sweating. However, entering the cells of the body, aluminum compounds can cause a number of chronic diseases.
  • The BHT antioxidant can be trigger of bone disease, because it causes vitamin D deficiency.
  • Although triclosan destroys bacteria, but it is most often the good ones, while the harmful bacteia multiply with double power.
  • Polyethylene glycol, polypropylene glycol (PPG, PEG) affect on kidney and liver function.
  • Phthalates harm men’s testosterone levels by lowering them.
  • Perfume compositions are aimed at blocking the smell, but can provoke allergies and dizziness.

How to choose an effective and safe tool

Certainly, every person in the world cannot do without an antiperspirant. The product helps to eliminate unpleasant odors and wet circles of sweat on clothes. Some components are able to control the work of sweat glands. Using deodorant makes a person more confident in any situation. Agree that everyone at least once feels some discomfort when the effect of the stick ends.

So that the tool does not cause high damage, it is recommended:

  • carefully study the content before buying,
  • choose the optimal form of antiperspirant for yourself,
  • pay attention to the production date and expiration date (the longer it is, the probability of a high concentration of harmful substances is greater),
  • check the integrity of the packaging, which will help to exclude the fake, as the original manufacturers take care of all the components of the product,
  • do not economize, but if the price of deodorant of different brands is at the same level, then be guided by the rules, mentioned above,
  • refuse of buying products that are sold in the open sun.

Following the recommendations will help minimize the negative consequences of using deodorants. Also remember that sometimes the unpleasant smell of sweat is caused by diseases of internal organs, for example, gastritis. This symptom often accompanies the disease if a person is infected with Helicobacter pylori. In this case, you can get rid of the problem by taking drugs such as Rebagen and Lanzol Relief.