
Benefits of yoga for people with hypertension

Yoga is one of the most effective ways to get rid of hypertension. People who suffer from this disease often have red faces. The fact is that with high blood pressure, blood flows with greater force and speed to different parts of the body, changing their color. Many people may think that you should not worry about this, but if such a problem occurs, it can lead to many unpleasant consequences.

Previously, hypertension was common only in the elderly, but recently the disease is increasingly affecting people of other ages, including adolescents. There are many factors that can cause this disease: overweight, metabolic disorders, increased emotionality, smoking and others.

The most effective way to get rid of hypertension is to take regular medications (such as Amace-BP or AFT – Metoprolol CR) and practice yoga. Specialists have created a special set of exercises that can reduce the pressure to a normal level in the shortest possible time. It includes: meditation, performing asanas and, of course, proper nutrition. A person who wants to get rid of hypertension should constantly try to adhere to it. If you are lazy, do not follow the instructions, then yoga will not give the desired effect.

One of the effective practices in this disease is the practice of pranayama. Regular controlled breathing practices help reduce the effects of chronic stress and improve your mental and physical health. Pranayama helps to optimize digestion, improves sleep and relieves stress.

Deep calm breathing is very effective exercise. This disease is often caused by depression and anxiety. Breathing practices help to restore the nervous system after a hard day and provide the body with oxygen, which promotes sound sleep and lowers blood pressure.

This technique can really work wonders, and you will see for yourself if you follow all the instructions below.

To perform one of the pranayama exercises, you will need to stand up and straighten your back. Then breathe, watching the air gradually fill your lungs. Try to breathe as deeply as possible so that oxygen reaches the lower parts of the respiratory tract. If the diaphragm is lowered and the abdomen is lowered during inhalation, you can most likely say that you are doing the exercise correctly.

When the lower parts of the lungs are filled, fill the middle parts. A straightened chest will signal to you that there is already enough oxygen. The last stage is filling the upper sections. You will realize that it is enough to inhale oxygen when the collarbone rises a little.

Now that your respiratory system is saturated with oxygen, hold your breath for a moment (for a couple of seconds). Exhale in reverse order.

Experts recommend practicing yoga every day. This can significantly improve well-being and help to get rid of hypertension.