
Types of physical activity in Crohn’s disease

Exercise with Crohn’s disease is not contraindicated if it is not a professional sport. Moreover, regular exercise will benefit the body.

Hard exercise is contraindicated in patients with Crohn’s disease, but some sports do not involve strenuous exercise. Remember that you can be in good shape and feel healthy without barbell exercises. Let’s look at the best sports for this disease.

  1. Athletics.

Running, hiking, brisk walking, light jogging will be appropriate.

  1. Dancing.

Even if you feel abdominal tension while dancing, there will be no harm. You can choose any type of dance. It is enough to make simple movements, and with them there is a more intensive blood flow through the vessels. All this improves the elasticity of blood vessels, the degree of their elasticity increases. Dances are able to fight scoliosis more effectively and strengthen the entire nervous system.

  1. Swimming.

In summer you can swim in natural bodies of water, and in autumn-winter and spring – in the pool. Swimming improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles and tones the body.

  1. Fitness.

You can do moderate jogging, stretching and any fitness program. Also, it is useful to do fitness on a trampoline. Only when the diarrhea worsens, do not exercise.

In addition, with Crohn’s disease, you can periodically expose the body to certain stress. If you really like to visit saunas and baths, in remission allow yourself such a holiday.

The whole set of exercises has a varied effect on the body:

  • the work of immunity is normalized;
  • the nervous system is strengthened;
  • blood circulation in the digestive system improves;
  • cells become enriched with oxygen and nutrients.

Regular exercise provides reliable prevention of the main symptoms of the disease. Crohn’s disease can be effectively treated to control the disease and maintain long-term remission. All treatments are aimed at reducing inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to the healing of defects in the intestinal wall.

The main goal of treatment is to achieve remission and then maintain it for a long time. If remission is not achieved, the goal is to reduce the severity of the disease to improve quality of life. Drugs (such as Asacol or Salazopyrin) are used for this purpose, but in different doses and with different duration of treatment.

There is no universal treatment for patients with Crohn’s disease. An individual approach is required, because the course of the disease is also individual. With medical treatment, remission lasting from several months to several years can be achieved. However, the disease can periodically worsen due to the resumption of the inflammatory process. Exacerbation of Crohn’s disease with constant maintenance treatment means that the medication needs to be changed. Follow all the doctor’s recommendations and check your health. The main thing at the first symptoms, seek the help of a specialist.