
Liver pain, what to do?

Currently, the idea of “cleansing” the liver and the whole body of toxins has become popular. The liver is a unique and irreplaceable human organ. But remember the story of Prometheus, whose liver was pecked by a crow every day, and overnight the liver grew again. This organ is able to recover (in the case of full health), even if most of it has been surgically removed. The liver plays a significant role in digestion.

In case of illness, the liver does not clean the blood well, as a result of which all organs lack useful substances and suffer from an excess of harmful substances. If the liver is not helped in time, the process of its destruction can lead to depression, nervous system disorders, skin and hair problems. Due to the fact that the liver does not have nerve endings, it is difficult to determine whether it is sick, but when its size increases, heaviness and discomfort appear.

There are some symptoms that help suspect liver disease:

  • Itchy skin.
  • White coating on the tongue.
  • Insomnia, weakness.
  • Nausea and belching, defecation disorders.
  • Dizziness and headache.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Dull and sore skin.

If you have at least two symptoms, you should go to the doctor, take tests, be tested for hepatitis, and then the doctor will prescribe the right treatment for you. In some cases it is enough to follow a healthy diet, and in some it is necessary to take antiviral drugs.

So, what is needed for liver health? You need to start with a healthy diet:

It is best to eat oatmeal with fruit, nuts and honey for breakfast. For greater help to a hard-working liver, you can add 0.5 tablespoons of ground thistle seeds to the porridge.

Drink a glass of fermented milk products (for example, low-fat yogurt) every day.

Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet.

It is better to eat food 4-5 times a day in small portions and always at the same time.

Do not eat smoked, fatty, fried foods. Alcohol, black coffee, and some medications also have a harmful effect on the liver.

But a healthy diet alone is not enough for a healthy liver. Everyone knows that obesity has a detrimental effect on the entire body, and the liver is no exception. Therefore, you need to move more, walk in the fresh air (preferably in the forest or along the river bank), control your weight and take care of your physical condition. Personal hygiene helps you avoid viruses, parasites and microbes that have a negative effect on the “organ-filter” of a person.

For the treatment and prevention of liver diseases, there are a large number of folk and medical methods, for example, medicines with essential phospholipids, milk thistle (Silybon), St. John’s wort, etc. With viral hepatitis, it is mandatory to take antiviral drugs, for example, with hepatitis B – Tenvir-EM, with hepatitis C – Sovaldi. With the help of modern drugs, hepatitis C can be completely cured. Unfortunately, there is no such possibility with hepatitis B, but it is possible to prevent the spread of the virus. If treatment is ignored, these diseases can lead to very dangerous consequences.