
How to live with chronic fatigue and 3 ways to overcome this condition

Chronic fatigue is sometimes reminiscent of the flu: the muscles are sluggish, you do not want to get out of bed, and you want to sleep all year round. Sometimes it seems that you are recovering: you are already interested in the outside world, but not yet in full force. You enjoy life in good times, but remember that it will end soon.

Chronic fatigue syndrome changes a person’s attitude towards himself. In this state, a person chooses, for example, the simplest food and just puts a plate in the sink, because there is no strength to wash it. As a result, the attitude of others to man changes. In this state, it is impossible to spend time with family and not get tired of it. Of course, this causes anxiety and even anger, and that’s okay. To help yourself with chronic fatigue, use the following methods.

  1. Listen to your body.

Try not to silence the body’s requests, but listen to them. If the body wants to sleep for 10 hours, give it that time. If you want to read a book instead of cleaning up, make an exception and allow yourself to do so.

Huge flows of information lead to chronic stress and worsen self-esteem. Try to reduce the level of negativity transmitted by the outside world. Spend more time with your feelings and needs. Allow yourself to do what your body tells you to do. Relax, walk, eat food that will fill the body with energy.

Also, do not delay seeing a doctor for a long time. Be sure to perform a complete examination of the body. This will help you become more confident and look at the future without fear. According to the results of the examination, doctors will prescribe an appropriate menu, exercise, medication (for example, Arcalion or Alpha D3) and recommend what to do to avoid a lack of vitamins and minerals.

  1. Learn to say no.

You can really not go to meetings and parties if you don’t want to. Your energy at this stage may be too limited for this. Go where you want to go, even if it’s not as often as others.

Think about what you want yourself. Let’s answer the question directly. First, you need to know and value your own interests and needs. By refusing to devote your precious time to unwanted things, you will soon find that it is much easier than torturing yourself to do what you do not like.

  1. Learn to love the time spent with yourself.

Learn to spend time with yourself. If you are always surrounded by people, set aside about 30 minutes a day in your schedule for a week to be alone with yourself. For example, you can travel or go to work alone instead of in company with someone. All you need to do is devote 30 minutes a day to any activity during which no one will disturb you or demand your attention.

Schedule an evening alone once a week. Go to the movies or watch your favorite movie at home. The line in the schedule serves as a written confirmation that you must satisfy yourself and will help you not to change your plans.

Loneliness without outside stimuli helps to clear the mind, focus and think more clearly. At the same time the brain and body are restored. Studies show that those who spend some time alone find it easier to overcome fatigue than those who spend too little time alone.