
Food products and drinks that harm the body

As a result of technological progress, mankind has made many discoveries; some of them are so convenient and necessary in everyday life that almost no one pays attention to the fact that they can be harmful. Marketers do not accidentally hide this, in every country there is a lot of advertising both day and night, offering to buy one or another product. And in this case, you need to assess the situation: “Do I want to be fashionable like everyone else, or am I ready to think about my health?” Regarding food, you can hear a number of contradictions, but first of all, you should know about the danger, about the negative impact of certain food products on the body.

  1. Sugar is essentially a carbohydrate; it provides people with valuable nutrients necessary for the production of energy by human mitochondria. It’s all right, but the amount of sugar that most people are used to consuming is not needed by the body, moreover, diabetes or obesity may develop as a result of excessive consumption of sweets. If a person stops eating white sugar (for example, stopped adding it to tea), he wants juice, sweet yogurt or even bread, because these products contain sugar. In some cases, instead of sugar, you can consume honey, and those who love sweets should pay more attention to the consumption of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates and other types of dried fruits.
  2. Salt is necessary for normal human activity, but consuming excessive amounts of salt can cause edema, increased blood pressure, and problems with the cardiovascular system. All of the above regarding salt also applies to monosodium glutamate, which is found in almost all seasoning mixes, bouillon cubes, meat products, etc.
  3. Any alcohol has a negative effect on human health, makes them look like sick animals. None of those who became an alcoholic dreamed of it. Therefore, if you notice that you are abusing alcohol, consult a doctor. With the help of psychotherapy and taking certain drugs (such as Acamprol and Antabuse), you can get rid of this terrible disease or prevent its development.
  4. Freshly baked hot flour products are very tasty and smell very pleasant, but they also have a negative effect on the human body. Such foods cause a feeling of heaviness, bloating, constipation, flatulence, SIBO and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Fast food is a very common lunch among hurried and busy workers. In addition to hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, shawarma, they usually drink carbonated drinks, coffee, and then eat a portion of ice cream – this is a very harmful combination for the human body. As a rule, the quality of such products is low. They can become one of the reasons for the development of diabetes, hypertension, obesity and other diseases. Therefore, it is better not to eat them.
  6. Carbonated drinks, which contain a lot of sugar and harmful substances, cause caries, damage the enamel, have a negative effect on the health of the kidneys and the mucous membrane of the stomach. Such drinks are strictly prohibited for children and people with gastritis, ulcers and diabetes.