
Basic nutritional recommendations for children and adults with chickenpox

Chickenpox is an acute viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets. This disease mainly affects children. Adults suffer from it less often, but if they get sick, they feel much worse. A diet for chickenpox prescribed in addition to the main treatment.

Acute infectious diseases, including chickenpox, affect the body’s defenses, poisoning it with the breakdown products of proteins that appear due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The body becomes dehydrated, the amount of mineral salts decreases, and the need for vitamins increases. The digestive system is overloaded, which is why it is so important to follow a “chickenpox diet”.

Compliance with the principles of dietary nutrition contributes:

  • increasing the body’s defenses;
  • reducing the load on the digestive system;
  • providing the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • reducing intoxication;
  • fast recovery.

Nutritional therapy has a positive effect on the entire body, giving it strength in the fight against viruses. Diet also reduces the risk of complications.

It is very important not only to follow a diet, but also to drink enough fluids. The excretory system helps to remove unnecessary substances using urine and lymph. The more fluid is in the body, the faster is metabolism.

Drinking recommendations:

  • you need to drink often, in small portions;
  • the drink should be warm – cold or hot drink will irritate the mucous membrane;
  • it is good if the drinks contain vitamins and minerals;
  • when choosing juices, compotes and tea, preference should be given to natural drinks.

The basic principles of the chickenpox diet:

  • food should be of a soft consistency. Puree soups and semi-liquid cereals are suitable.
  • frequency of meals – at least six times a day, in limited portions.
  • cook boiled or steamed dishes. Exclude fried, baked and stewed dishes.
  • add foods rich in vitamins.

Features of the diet in children

The diet for children with chickenpox is adjusted depending on the stage and severity of the disease. If the child has a fever, headache, general weakness, there is no need to force him to eat. During illness, children have decreased appetite. The child may refuse to eat at all, especially if there are rashes on the oral mucous. To ease painful sensations, you need to include in the diet such dishes: cereals, mashed soups.

In the acute form of chickenpox, it is better to limit the infant’s diet to breast milk. For formula-fed babies, the volume of food decreases and the amount of fluid increases. Older children need to add foods that are rich in vitamins. For example, vegetables: potatoes, carrots, ripe tomatoes, zucchini, beets, pumpkin. Fruits, sweet or sour-sweet berries will be very useful. You can make jelly, mousse, compote from them. Also, protein-rich foods must be added to the diet: dairy products, meat and fish.

Features of the adult diet:

  • do not eat fatty meat and fish, smoked and pickled foods, hot seasonings;
  • do not eat chocolate, cakes, sour fruits, carbonated drinks; you can eat a small amount of honey, marshmallows, and jam (without sugar);
  • it is recommended to steam or simmer;
  • the diet must include lean fish and meat.

You should give up greenhouse vegetables. They contain chemicals and pesticides that will harm a weakened body. Adults, like children, must to drink plenty of fluids. Herbal teas (mint, chamomile, rose hip), cranberry juice, jelly will be very good choice.