
9 tips for overcoming fatigue in multiple sclerosis

Fatigue caused by multiple sclerosis affects daily life. You feel exhausted even if you do the usual things. There is no energy left for other daily tasks. Let’s consider 9 ways to overcome fatigue in multiple sclerosis.

  1. Sleep.

Many people with multiple sclerosis find it difficult to fall asleep. This causes severe fatigue. This way, a good night’s sleep will help you feel refreshed throughout the day. Various practices can help: meditation, massage or a relaxing bath. Also use the 4-7-8 breathing technique. This method is quite simple and effective. The tongue touches the palate behind the front upper teeth. Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, then hold your breath for 7 seconds and exhale gently through your mouth for 8 seconds. After taking a few breaths, you will notice that the body relaxes and sleep approaches.

  1. Healthy eating.

Fatigue is often caused by poor nutrition, which lacks the vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Adequate nutrition helps to produce enough energy for the body to function effectively. Eat more vegetables and fruits, avoid canned food and fast food. And you will quickly notice that you feel better.

  1. Exercise.

Even 10 minutes of exercise a day can increase your energy for the whole day. Yoga, walking, swimming, Pilates can be effective. But first consult a doctor. The doctor will help you choose the type of activity that suits you.

  1. Reduce stress.

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis can be triggered by stressors. Unpredictability of exacerbation, fear of the future are the cause of great anxiety. People often focus on what they are deprived of or unable to do due to illness. It’s important to focus on what you can do and do things that are really enjoyable and relaxing.

  1. Comfortable climate.

Hot weather can be exhausting. Use heating or cooling devices, depending on the weather. For example, in hot weather, turn on the air conditioner, and in cold – the heater.

  1. Relaxation.

With multiple sclerosis, it is very important to be active. But if you don’t get enough rest, you can get tired. Then fatigue will increase and the disease will begin to develop. It is important to take breaks from activity. A symptom diary can help you with this. Thanks to the diary you will be able to create a mode of activity and rest in time.

  1. Auxiliary medical equipment.

If you find it difficult to walk, consult a doctor. He will be able to help you find the device you need. Don’t be afraid to use walking aids to help you stay strong.

  1. Physiotherapy.

A qualified physiotherapist will tell you how to avoid excessive fatigue and be energetic during the day. In the physiotherapy group, you will be able to communicate and feel support from people who know firsthand what multiple sclerosis is.

  1. Treatment.

Timely and regular intake of drugs for multiple sclerosis (Dantrium, Lioresal) will help get rid of muscle spasms, cramping, and tightness, fatigue and exhaustion.