
7 tips to reduce anxiety in generalized anxiety disorder

  1. Switch your attention.

It is important to periodically change one activity to another – for example, physical activity to mental. When you exercise, your brain is replenished with oxygen. And during mental work, muscles are restored by improving blood flow in them. The alternation of mental work and physical activity restores the work of the nervous system and strengthens it.

  1. Focus on the positive.

Studies show that when a person pays more attention to positive things, their serotonin levels increase. This improves mood and reduces anxiety. You can also “train” the part of the brain that is responsible for “turning on” the state of happiness.

  1. Meditate.

Meditation is a reliable helper in overcoming psychological instability. Meditation also helps to normalize the brain and focus on yourself, not on the “noise” around. As a result, your focus is on the positive things and the feeling that you are happy increases.

  1. Control breathing.

When a person feels anxious, breathing speeds up and becomes shallow. The balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood is disturbed, and because of this anxiety increases. The easiest thing to do in this situation is to start breathing calmly. As you inhale, count to four, then count to four and exhale slowly. It is very important to breathe properly. Begin breathing exercises in a relaxed environment. Also do this exercise daily as a preventative measure. In this way, you adjust your body to productive work and rest.

  1. Comb your hair.

If your job involves sitting at a computer for a long time, you may feel heaviness in your head in the evening. This is due to the tension in the facial muscles. The usual comb will help to cope with it. Gently comb your hair for 10 minutes. This will relax the facial muscles and improve blood circulation to the brain.

  1. Have a snack or drink tea.

If you are prone to anxiety, always bring a banana. This snack will help fill you with folic acid, magnesium, potassium and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. You can also eat a sandwich with fish. Omega-3 acids, which are found in large quantities in fatty fish, save you from stress.

If the anxiety is so strong that you cannot eat, drink tea. Because stress causes the production of free radicals, green and red tea are recommended. The antioxidants of green tea and hibiscus will help remove these harmful substances.

  1. Increase your daily activity.

A sedentary lifestyle increases anxiety. Sedentary work is detrimental to your mental health, even if you go to the gym in the evening. Therefore, it is very important to increase activity during the day. Be sure to take breaks every hour to take a short walk down the hall or do simple exercises such as leaning or squatting.

It is also very important to visit your doctor regularly and take the necessary medications, such as Stablon or Feliz S.