
4 reasons to eat slowly

The main problem of modernity is the constant lack of time and haste. When lunch time comes, we quickly swallow our food and hurry to get down to business. This leads to chronic accumulation of stress and harms health. If one day you decide to eat slowly, your lifestyle will immediately begin to change. Is it difficult? Not a bit! You don’t need to put in any extra effort: you bite off a small piece, chew it carefully and slowly, prolonging the pleasure of eating.

Your meal will only be a few minutes longer, but it will lead to significant positive changes in your health.

There is a concept of slow food (Slow Food), which originated in Italy several decades ago. Slow food is the opposite of fast food.

“To be worthy of the species Homo Sapiens, a person must get rid of hustle and bustle, they will inevitably lead the human race to extinction” – words from the manifesto of the Slow Food movement.

It is not only about health, but also about a different way of life in general.

Advantages of eating slowly:

  1. You can get rid of excess weight. A growing body of health research confirms that by eating slowly, you will consume fewer calories. Only thanks to this you can lose up to 10 kg per year. The solution to this phenomenon is that our brain needs about 20 minutes to make sure we are full. If we eat at a fast pace, we do not have time to understand that we are full and continue to eat. But if we eat slowly, we have enough time to feel that it is time to stop. If you have a problem with excess weight, slow food should become part of your new life. Also, we recommend that you follow a healthy diet, be physically active and take special drugs that will help you lose weight, for example, Cetislim or Orligal. This combination will help to quickly and safely get rid of excess weight.
  2. Enjoying a meal. This reason is also quite strong. It’s hard to enjoy food if you swallow it quickly. There is an opinion that there is nothing wrong with the fact that you will eat a small amount of junk food, if you chew it thoroughly. Do you like fried food, pizza, sweets? So what’s the point of eating it quickly? Think about it. If you eat slowly, you will get the same amount of pleasure, but it will be less harmful to the stomach. Make your dish an object of gastronomic pleasure, and not quickly swallow without feeling the taste of food.
  3. Improvement of digestion. If you chew your food more thoroughly, it improves the digestion process. Maybe you didn’t know, but digestion starts already in the mouth, so the longer the food stays there, the better it is for all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. This will help avoid gastrointestinal problems.
  4. Reducing stress. Concentrating fully on the process of eating can be a great exercise for improving overall concentration and reducing stress. Live in this moment, don’t think about what you will do after eating. When you eat, you should only eat. It is believed that this prevents the accumulation of stress in modern man. Try it yourself and feel the improvement of your health and energy!