
5 methods of diagnosing early ejaculation. Treatment of premature ejaculation

  1. Ultrasound of the prostate.

It is designed to assess the condition of the prostate and seminal vesicles and provides important information about the condition of internal structures. It is extremely important to make a differential diagnosis and understand the cause of premature ejaculation. Otherwise, the treatment will have no effect. First, the urologist or andrologist asks the patient about the specifics of the disease.

The doctor should be informed about the regularity of sexual life, whether there are psychogenic factors, diseases of the genitourinary system, whether the patient has previously had a genital infection. To diagnose and determine the duration of sexual intercourse, there are many questionnaires and tests that the specialist uses during the first visit. After that, an ultrasound is performed.

  1. Lidocaine test, which is performed to diagnose the sensitivity of the glans penis.

The procedure is very simple; it doesn’t hurt, it’s not dangerous. Lidocaine is applied to the head of the penis 20 minutes before intercourse, and 10 minutes – the drug is washed off with soap and water. If the duration of intercourse increases and ejaculation resumes, hypersensitivity of the skin is diagnosed.

  1. Urethroscopy.

This is an endoscopic examination performed to examine the urethra.

  1. Electroencephalography.

EEG is performed to assess the functional state of the brain and nervous state.

  1. PCR diagnostics.

This method allows you to detect latent infections, which may be one of the causes of this problem.

Let’s consider the main methods of treatment of premature ejaculation:

This type of therapy can be aimed at treating diseases of the genitourinary system, genital infections. Also, with increased excitability of the central nervous system, doctors may prescribe psychotropic drugs. But some of the drugs have strict indications and contraindications, they can not be bought on their own and without a doctor’s prescription.

  • Surgical methods.

Surgical methods of treatment of premature ejaculation: circumcision, plastic surgery of a short frenulum, partial neurotomy of the penis. Surgery for premature ejaculation is resorted to only if other methods do not help and only with the prognosis that such treatment will achieve the desired effect.

The need for plastic surgery of a short frenulum may indicate that it is too short. The fact is that this part of the body is a very sensitive area, and the correction of the short frenulum can help get rid of premature ejaculation caused by the anatomical features of its structure.

Partial neurotomy of the penis is performed by cutting the skin and layer-by-layer cutting of nerves. After the operation, the man returns to normal sexual life and a new “reflex”. This method of treating premature ejaculation was considered radical, which doctors recommend according to the indications.

  • Injections.

Injection techniques are used to reduce the density of receptors and reduce the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the glans penis. The use of hyaluronic acid gels is completely safe, and patients with premature ejaculation can achieve the desired effect without serious intervention. Injection techniques are characterized by prolonged action, but the procedure should be repeated over time.