
6 foods that can cause abdominal pain during the flight

  1. Carbonated drinks.

During the flight, especially long, many passengers experience a sore throat, dry nose and mouth, dry skin and eyes, caused by low humidity in the cabin. To avoid discomfort, experts recommend drinking water before and during flights. But do not drink carbonated beverages, as such beverages provoke bloating and painful sensations in the stomach. You can also drink sugar-free vegetable and fruit juices instead of still water.

  1. Fried dishes.

Fried food always worsens the digestive process. During the flight, such a process can become almost impossible. Unpleasant sensations after a fat hamburger are sure to occur. Therefore, to avoid pain, a few hours before the flight it is recommended to eat meat or fish, steamed or baked.

  1. Beans.

Even if in everyday life you do not feel discomfort after eating legumes, before the flight, doctors recommend that everyone give up these foods, because during takeoff, even a slight discomfort in the stomach, as a rule, increases.

Instead of corn or peas, eat, for example, carrots as a side dish. In addition, if you have a chronic stomach disease, it is recommended to start treatment (Colofac, Creon 10000) for bloating 2 days before the flight. These medications will improve your well-being and prevent abdominal pain.

  1. Unfamiliar food.

Experts recommend not eating unfamiliar food in unfamiliar places before the flight. In addition to painful sensations in the stomach, such an experiment can cause an allergic reaction. A good choice before the flight is fermented milk products with lacto- and bifidobacteria. But you need to carefully check their shelf life and storage conditions, especially in summer.

  1. Sweets.

Sugar on an empty stomach causes fermentation processes, which will intensify in the cabin due to changes in pressure. Also, sweet foods are quickly broken down in the stomach and provoke increased production of gastric juice. This adversely affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, causing unpleasant discomfort in the abdomen.

Although doctors do not recommend flying on an empty stomach, it is undesirable to eat chocolate or candy, as such foods during the flight can be one of the causes of abdominal pain.

  1. Cauliflower and bananas.

The pressure during takeoff in the cabin decreases, which leads to an expansion of the air by about 30% (for these reasons you feel discomfort in the ears). If the air has nowhere to go, you feel an unpleasant bloating and abdominal pain. Therefore, before the flight you should not eat fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber, which contribute to the formation of gas. You can eat a lot of vegetables and fruits before the flight only if it is your usual diet. Otherwise, large amounts of fiber can cause abdominal pain and bloating.